Mini Monets and Mommies: Famous Artist Kids' Cooking: Cubist Cupcakes

Monday, August 25, 2014

Famous Artist Kids' Cooking: Cubist Cupcakes

Picasso’s famous art as a cupcake? Yes, indeed. I’m not a talented baker by any stretch of the imagination. My son almost always turns his nose at my brownies, and while my cupcakes are cute, they come from a box. That’s ok. I accept that I’m not a super mom.

Picasso activity
Even though I’m not the best at baking, I enjoy a good artistic cupcake project. I’ve made cupcakes in the styles of Monet and Pollock. Now I’m tackling Picasso’s cubist take on art. Not only can your child express her creativity and learn about the famous artist (and his style), but the baking part includes science and math lessons. Encourage your child to pour the ingredients, measure them up.  When it’s time to pop the cubist cupcakes into the oven, you need to take over and do the actual baking yourself.

I used a ready-made cookie from the bakery for this kids’ cooking activity. My son was nice enough to share an adorable sweet smiley face star cookie with me. But, you and your child can certainly decorate your own. I had the cookie on hand, it saved time and it seemed perfect for this project.

Here’s What You’ll Need:

·        Cupcake mix—either from a box or your own recipe.

·        White frosting – Again, either from the store or you can make your own favorite recipe.

·        Food coloring

·        A face cookie – Buy a ready-made one or decorate your own with candy eyes or icing.

·        Cupcake tins and liners

Here’s What to Do:

1.     Mix up the cupcake batter. I choose two – chocolate and vanilla.

2.     Divide some of the batter (use a light-colored or white batter) into bowls. Mix food coloring in to make at least three different shades.

3.     Pour the batter into the lined tins. This is where the cubist look starts. Pour at least three different colors in chunks into each liner.

childrens recipe
4.     Bake the cupcakes. Do not allow your child near the hot oven. Do not allow her to handle the hot cupcakes.

5.     Let the cupcakes cool.

Kids' cooking
6.     Spoon the frosting out into two or more bowls. Mix a few drops of food coloring into each bowl.

Sweet treat

7.     Frost the cupcakes. Continue on with the cubist effect by making chunks of colors. Your child can add two, three or more colors to the tops of the cupcakes.

Kids' dessert
8.     Cut the face cookie into pieces.
Happy face
Cubist art
9.     Create a cubist cupcake masterpiece. Have your child place the cookie pieces in a random array on top of the cupcake.

Art Activity
Kids' Desserts
Do you have a favorite cupcake or frosting recipe? Add it to the comments section.

Are you looking for more cupcake ideas? Follow my Pinterest board for cupcakes galore!
Follow Mini Monets and Mommies's board Cupcakes! Yum! on Pinterest.


  1. my 5 year old keeps pestering me about making her rainbow cupcakes. i need to make some one of these days...

  2. These are so cool, my daughter would love them. Thanks for sharing with Tasty Tuesdays!

    1. Thanks! And, they are so easy for kids to help make.

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  4. Encourage your child to pour the ingredients, measure them up. When it’s time to pop the cubist cupcakes into the oven, you need to take over and do the actual baking yourself.

  5. Famous Artist Kids' Cooking kit is finally shared here at this and the site. These mini muffins and cupcakes are so tempting, the art work you did looks amazing too.

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