Mini Monets and Mommies: Glow In the Dark Paint Halloween Ghosts

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Glow In the Dark Paint Halloween Ghosts

I’m a fan of glow in the dark paint. I’ve made my own using tonic water, as well as glowing ice paint. Under a black light tonic water glows -- making it a perfect art and science combo project. This time I decided to try the store-bought kind.

Halloween art
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Before your little artist gets glowing, here are a few things to consider:

·        Is it non-toxic? There are tons of glow paints available. Some are meant for adult crafters. If the label doesn’t say that it’s non-toxic, it isn’t graded as acceptable for your child’s age and it doesn’t have the ACMI (Art and Creative Materials Institute) certification seal of approval on it, don’ allow your child to use it. The first glow in the dark paint that I stumbled upon at the craft store was a spray-on type. This was completely not safe for a young child to use, so I kept looking until I found a liquid with the ACMI seal.

·        Many of these products require exposure to UV light prior to glowing. After your child paints, you’ll need to place her artwork in the sun for about five minutes.

·        You can use a black light, but you don’t have to. Unlike tonic water, specially formulated glowing paints don’t require a special light bulb to show up. I tried a black light and found that the glow was more noticeable, and it slightly changed the color.

·        Your child can mix the glow paint with other materials such as glitter, shaving cream or glue.

Kids' Art

Here’s What You Need:

·        Model Magic

·        Glow paint- I used Deco Art's Glow in the Dark paint, but any similar product will work.

·        A paintbrush

·        Glitter

·        Googley eyes

·        Construction paper

Here’s What to Do:

1.     Roll the Model Magic into a ball.

2.     Push the modeling compound flat and have your child shape it into a flowing ghost.

3.     Mix glitter with the glow paint.

Glow paint
4.     Paint the mixture over the ghost.

5.     Press googley eyes onto the ghost!

Halloween craftsGhost art

Another option is to make a monster. Have your child make a shape with the Model Magic and press a handful of googley eyes onto it!
Kids' crafts

Are you looking for more creative crafts? Follow my Pinterest board for artsy ideas!

Follow Mini Monets and Mommies's board Creative Kids Crafts on Pinterest.


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