Mini Monets and Mommies: Winter Snow Painting Art for Kids

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Winter Snow Painting Art for Kids

Snow painting isn’t exactly ground-breaking news. This winter art activity is a favorite of many families – including mine! You can squirt food coloring onto the snow, use the melted stuff to make water color paints or even freeze some colorful hues outside on the snow-covered ground.

Art activities

This time we’re making a ‘framed’ artwork and using an outdoor ‘palette’. It’s not a permanent piece that you can hang on your wall (or even the fridge, for that matter). But, you can snap a picture to keep the memory of the abstract artwork alive. If your little artist isn’t in to the whole abstract thing, let her make whatever she wants. A snow landscape, a beachy sea scene or a painting of her pet cat. Really, anything goes – as long as it’s in the snow!
Kids' art

Here’s What You’ll Need:

·        Snow, snow and more snow

·        Food coloring – Be careful, it will stain fabric. So, if you have concerns, don’t let your child try tis wearing her brand new white snowsuit (even though it’s bound to get dirty almost immediately anyway).

·        Sticks or twigs

·        Spoons

Here’s What to Do:

1.     Dig a few small holes in the snow with a spoon.

2.     Drip food coloring into each hole.

3.     Stir the color around, mixing it with the snow.

Snow paint

4.     Create an outline with the sticks – this will be the frame.
Kids' activities

5.     Spoon the colorful snow into the picture space. Your child can mix it, mash it, layer it or make a picture with it.
Paint play

Are you looking for more winter art activities? Follow my Pinterest board for ideas!
Follow Mini Monets and Mommies's board Winter Activities for Kids on Pinterest.


  1. I'm waiting on snow to try this, but it seems like it will never come.

    1. It's so much fun. I will gladly give you some of ours!

  2. Great idea! And if its to cold inside, you can always take the snow inside to play :-)

    1. Thanks! That's true. It's been so cold here, staying out long enough to paint just isn't possible.

  3. These type of snow activities is very good for children's. Thanks for writing content about painting art for kid. 49ers Gold Jacket

  4. I like this winter snow painting art activity i would really try this activity with my kid also thank you soo much for sharing these kind of blogs. 49ers Gold Jacket

  5. Winter snow painting is such a fun and creative way for kids to explore art while embracing the beauty of the season! Activities like these encourage imagination and help develop fine motor skills, all while keeping them entertained indoors during the colder months. Just like a perfect CV, this winter snow painting art project teaches kids the importance of attention to detail and creativity.

  6. This was an extremely wonderful post. Thanks for providing this info.
