
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Red Velvet Oreo Balls for Valentine's Day

I thought I had tapped out on Valentine’s Day treats. Even though the holiday is still a week and a half away, I’ve been writing Valentines recipes, crafts and activities posts since New Year’s. Thinking that I was done with the day, I almost moved on to St. Patrick’s Day (after all, that’s been the holiday du jour on Pinterest lately).

Oreo truffles

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So, as I was walking to the pet food aisle (with two dogs and two cats I’m there a lot), I tried to snub the special edition Red Velvet Oreos that were practically screaming, “Buy us! We are so Valentine’s Day!” My New Year’s resolution to eat less sweets hasn’t been going grandly, and I generally can’t pass up making Oreo balls. Faced with the red velvet variety, I had to say yes.

This is a super-easy no-bake treat that the kids can help you to make. I suggest washing their hands thoroughly and letting them have at it when the cookie-cream cheese mixing process begins.

Here’s What You’ll Need:

·        Special Edition Red Velvet Oreos – they have a cream cheese flavor, which gives an extra little punch to the already creamy cheesy recipe.

·        4 oz. softened cream cheese – usually I add 8 oz. of cream cheese to a package of Oreos. This special edition pack was somewhat smaller than the regular version, so I cut the cream cheese down to compensate.

·        Chocolate – use whatever kind of chocolate you want. But, I went with cookies and cream flavor. It made the truffle balls extra decadent -- and delicious!

·        Heart-shaped sprinkles

Here’s What to Do:

1.     Crush the cookies into a fine dust in a food processor.

Oreo cookies
2.     Combine the cookie dust and cream cheese in a large mixing bowl. You can try stirring it with a spoon, but that won’t get you very far. I suggest that you use your hands to mash the mix thoroughly.

3.     Form the mix into balls.

4.     Pop the truffle balls into the freezer for about an hour (put them on a sheet of wax paper or a wax paper-covered plate).

5.     Melt the chocolate. I put the sweets into a microwave-safe bowl and heated them for about a minute. Every microwave varies, so you need to watch the chocolate to see when it melts.

6.     Roll the Oreo balls in the chocolate. Be very careful – the chocolate is hot! If your child is ‘cooking’ with you, don’t let her touch the chocolate. Use a spoon or poke the cookie balls with a toothpick to coat them in the hot chocolate.

7.     Place the chocolate-covered treats onto wax paper. Sprinkle the heart-shaped Valentine’s Day toppers on the chocolate before it cools and hardens.
Holiday recipe

Are you looking for more Valentine’s Day sweets? Follow my Pinterest board for ideas galore!
Follow Mini Monets and Mommies's board Valentine's Day Holiday Treats on Pinterest.


  1. Very cute! Thanks for sharing on Tasty Tuesdays!

  2. These really look good, my daughter would love them! Thanks for sharing at Pin-Worthy Wednesday!

  3. What a fun treat to make with the kiddos! Thanks so much for sharing with Creative Spark Link Party. Hope to see you again this week!

  4. These look and sound so yummy! I've made regular Oreo truffles before but haven't tried the red velvet ones. I'll have to give it a whirl!

  5. Oreo truffles?! No I have GOT to give these a try! They look so pretty too!

    Thanks for sharing and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop.

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  6. I love red velvet cake and yogurt flavor. Thank you for coming to the Inspire Me Monday Linky Party.

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