Preschool for grownups? Yep, that’s a thing. Two
Brooklyn-based entrepreneurs have created an adults-only ‘preschool’ program
that caters to those who need to rekindle that magic of being young at heart.
While I can’t say that this idea would go gangbusters in my little
minivan-filled, paddle tennis-playing suburb, I can certainly see the appeal.

Who doesn’t want to go back to their youth? I’m not
talking about the brace-face, pimply, totally awkward days of seventh grade (I
got glasses and braces at the same time, and was about a foot taller than all
of the boys in my grade). I mean those princess dress-wearing days of
preschool. To tuck the work emails away and put all adult responsibilities on
hold for a few hours is a precious commodity that many of us don’t have the
luxury of doing. How often to you turn your cell off? Stop checking emails? But
social media on hold? If you just burst out laughing at the thought of doing
any of those things, you aren’t alone. That’s part of the reason why a
preschool for grownups sounds so darn good to so many of us adults. It’s
freeing, inspirational and puts you back in touch with who you were at a much
simpler time.
If the whole go back to preschool thing is starting to
sound good right about now, you don’t have to jet off to NYC just to take a try
at it. I usually write about kids’ art activities. But, today it’s all for you!
I know, I know – you spend 78 percent of your day covered in goo, gack and what
was supposed to be DIY finger paint (but, really turned our looking more like oatmeal)
already. So, why do art in the afterhours? I’m all for helping the kiddos out
with their crafting, but isn’t it really all about them? Now it’s your turn.
Whether you put on a suit and head off to the office all day or you’re at home
with the kids in your yoga pants, making time for your own preschool for
grownups is a way to relax, de-stress and forget about your mortgage, taxes and
whatever else is cluttering your mind. I’ve put together a list of a few artsy
activities that will make you feel young again.

Before you head back to preschool (mentally, not when
you drop your 4-year-old off in the morning) remember: BE A CHILD! Don’t act
like one, don’t pretend to let go. Really, truly let go and enjoy the process
of creation. Forget about the mess you’re making, and stop worrying that you’ll
chip your manicure. Throw down a tarp, newspaper, a garbage bag or whatever
else you need to make yourself feel better about the impending clean-up. Turn
your cell off, or at least turn the sounds off and put it somewhere you can’t see
it light up when you get a call, text or email.
No we’re ready to make some preschool-inspired art. I
always tell parents that when it comes to their kids’ art, it’s all about the
process and not so much the product. I stand by this for adult-made art. Don’t
worry about making ‘something’ or a picture. None of these requires an MFA in
studio arts to create. Just enjoy!
Clay paint. This is an easy one if you’re still
slightly afraid of the mess. Instead of finger painting, smooth modeling clay
onto a piece of cardboard. Same motion, equally as relaxing, but no spills.
Glitter and glue. Draw squiggles, circles, zig-zags or
anything else with clear-drying school glue onto a piece of paper. Sprinkle
gobs of glitter on top and shake off the excess. Keep on repeating the process
until you’re all sparkled out.
Finger paint plus. Are you ready for the preschool
staple yet? You can start with a basic finger paint activity. Step it up by
adding glitter, craft sand or just about anything else you want to the tempera.
Toss in a teaspoon of baby oil for a moisture-rich slick feel or add course
sugar crystals for a scrubby texture.
Shaving cream paint. Use your hands or a paintbrush to
mix up a batch of DIY puffy paints. Little kids love this, and so should you!
Drip some tempera into pools of shaving cream and paint a textured masterpiece.
Torn-paper collage. You have no idea just how relax
tearing pieces of paper up can be until you try it. Tear up tissue paper and
glue it onto a piece of card stock, collage style.
Color-mixing. Make your own rainbow by mixing paints.
Name the colors that you make with the most creative titles you can think up.
Mixed-media buffet. Set out a buffet of all kinds of
art materials for yourself. Use paint, glue, craft feathers, sequins, markers,
oil pastels and anything else you have on hand. Put it together on a piece of
cardboard in any way that you want to.
A preschool for adults is kind of a genius idea that I
wish I would have thought of. Sure, we don’t all have this type of program down
the street. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t ‘homeschool’ yourself. Put the
kids to bed, go on a technology fast and let your inner child loose.