
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Model Magic Letter Art for Kids

Model Magic plus an easy art activity can equal learning letters for your child. How? I love the clayish compound. I tried to sneak it in to just about every project that we made when I taught art classes and camps. With my own son, I would let him play with the stuff for what seemed like hours. He never really liked making ‘something’ with it. He just enjoyed molding and modeling it. If you’ve never used it, imagine what would happen if a marshmallow and modeling clay got married and had a baby. That’s Model Magic.
Letter project

So, what does this have to do with learning letters? While I’m all for playing and exploring with the sculpty stuff, your child can also use it to make letter imprint art. This is super-easy and helps your child to create his own letters (in a way that’s different from drawing). Make one of these little letter imprints or create an entire alphabet. Your child can then puzzle the pieces together to make words!

Here’s What You’ll Need:

·        Model Magic – Just the plain white stuff.

·        Pipe cleaners

·        Tempera paint

·        A paintbrush

Here’s What to Do:

1.     Bend the pipe cleaner into a letter shape.

2.     Roll the Model Magic into a ball.
Sculpture crafts

3.     Press the ball flat. Your child can use her palm to do this.
Clay Ball

4.     Press the pipe cleaner letter into the top of the clay compound.

5.     Peel the pipe cleaner off.
Alphabet craft

6.     Paint the surface with tempers. Your child can also add a second color in the pipe cleaner imprint. This highlights the letter.
Letter Art
Kids' art

If you leave the letter out, the Model Magic will eventually dry and harden. These little imprints allow your child to feel the letter, and not just see it. Have your child pick up and touch each piece of alphabet art. Ask what the letter is and what sound it makes. Move on to another letter or combine them.

Are you looking for more letter art? Follow my Pinterest board for ideas!
Follow Mini Monets and Mommies's board Letter and Literacy Kids' Crafts on Pinterest.


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  7. Magician IllusionistJune 1, 2022 at 11:48 AM

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  8. The illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment virtual magician lmxm magicians magician illusions comedian virtual magician oyfh experience comedy laughter applause virtual magician wdnl cardistry mage miracle spectacle virtual magician rpjl bespoke conjurers mind reading memories virtual magician tmgx mentalist hypnosis magic houdini virtual magician okrb genie theater variety show stage magic virtual magician yorr prediction audience wizardry conjuring virtual magician titr skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle virtual magician wagv expert reel morale juggling virtual magician eusx abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one man show virtual magician hxyo theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists virtual magician tlkv showreel magic show magic shows smile virtual magician cvhr deception event planners happiness mentalism virtual magician uhwg teambuilding trickery prestidigitator mindreading virtual magician unaw illusion birthday online meetings virtual meeting nwza mabq virtual meetings card magic escapology legerdemain virtual magician jbqf stage hypnosis Improvisation stage illusion virtual magician knfk platform magic hocus pocus close up magic theatre virtual magician eyin illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment virtual magician oxut magicians magician illusions comedian virtual magician gegn experience comedy laughter applause virtual magician ogqx cardistry mage miracle spectacle virtual magician vqfs bespoke conjurers mind reading memories virtual magician mqcr mentalist hypnosis magic houdini virtual magician funf genie theater variety show stage magic virtual magician qsyd prediction audience wizardry conjuring virtual magician etqm skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle virtual magician eruh expert reel morale juggling virtual magician fcjq abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one man show virtual magician oifa theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists virtual magician xaie showreel magic show magic shows smile virtual magician wxhz deception event planners happiness mentalism virtual magician ezvy teambuilding trickery prestidigitator mindreading virtual magician ymre illusion birthday online meetings virtual meeting wtfm ahta virtual meetings card magic escapology legerdemain virtual magician fsgg stage hypnosis Improvisation stage illusion virtual magician dgzy platform magic hocus pocus close up magic theatre virtual magician wupk illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment virtual magician vasl magicians magician illusions comedian virtual magician nczg experience comedy laughter applause virtual magician pazr cardistry mage miracle spectacle virtual magician wzkp bespoke conjurers mind reading memories virtual magician ljpc mentalist hypnosis magic houdini virtual magician zlir genie theater variety show stage magic virtual magician fcpb prediction audience wizardry conjuring virtual magician pgcn skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle virtual magician xdyh expert reel morale juggling virtual magician maxo abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one man show virtual magician fldo theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists virtual magician.

  9. The illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment virtual magic lmxm magics magic illusions comedian virtual magic oyfh experience comedy laughter applause virtual magic wdnl cardistry mage miracle spectacle virtual magic rpjl bespoke conjurers mind reading memories virtual magic tmgx mentalist hypnosis magic houdini virtual magic okrb genie theater variety show stage magic virtual magic yorr prediction audience wizardry conjuring virtual magic titr skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle virtual magic wagv expert reel morale juggling virtual magic eusx abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one man show virtual magic hxyo theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists virtual magic tlkv showreel magic show magic shows smile virtual magic cvhr deception event planners happiness mentalism virtual magic uhwg teambuilding trickery prestidigitator mindreading virtual magic unaw illusion birthday online meetings virtual meeting nwza mabq virtual meetings card magic escapology legerdemain virtual magic jbqf stage hypnosis Improvisation stage illusion virtual magic knfk platform magic hocus pocus close up magic theatre virtual magic eyin illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment virtual magic oxut magics magic illusions comedian virtual magic gegn experience comedy laughter applause virtual magic ogqx cardistry mage miracle spectacle virtual magic vqfs bespoke conjurers mind reading memories virtual magic mqcr mentalist hypnosis magic houdini virtual magic funf genie theater variety show stage magic virtual magic qsyd prediction audience wizardry conjuring virtual magic etqm skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle virtual magic eruh expert reel morale juggling virtual magic fcjq abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one man show virtual magic oifa theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists virtual magic xaie showreel magic show magic shows smile virtual magic wxhz deception event planners happiness mentalism virtual magic ezvy teambuilding trickery prestidigitator mindreading virtual magic ymre illusion birthday online meetings virtual meeting wtfm ahta virtual meetings card magic escapology legerdemain virtual magic fsgg stage hypnosis Improvisation stage illusion virtual magic dgzy platform magic hocus pocus close up magic theatre virtual magic wupk illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment virtual magic vasl magics magic illusions comedian virtual magic nczg experience comedy laughter applause virtual magic pazr cardistry mage miracle spectacle virtual magic wzkp bespoke conjurers mind reading memories virtual magic ljpc mentalist hypnosis magic houdini virtual magic zlir genie theater variety show stage magic virtual magic fcpb prediction audience wizardry conjuring virtual magic pgcn skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle virtual magic xdyh expert reel morale juggling virtual magic maxo abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one man show virtual magic fldo theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists virtual magic.

  10. The illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment magical magic lmxm magics magic illusions comedian magical magic oyfh experience comedy laughter applause magical magic wdnl cardistry mage miracle spectacle magical magic rpjl bespoke conjurers mind reading memories magical magic tmgx mentalist hypnosis magic houdini magical magic okrb genie theater variety show stage magic magical magic yorr prediction audience wizardry conjuring magical magic titr skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle magical magic wagv expert reel morale juggling magical magic eusx abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one man show magical magic hxyo theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists magical magic tlkv showreel magic show magic shows smile magical magic cvhr deception event planners happiness mentalism magical magic uhwg teambuilding trickery prestidigitator mindreading magical magic unaw illusion birthday online meetings magical meeting nwza mabq magical meetings card magic escapology legerdemain magical magic jbqf stage hypnosis Improvisation stage illusion magical magic knfk platform magic hocus pocus close up magic theatre magical magic eyin illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment magical magic oxut magics magic illusions comedian magical magic gegn experience comedy laughter applause magical magic ogqx cardistry mage miracle spectacle magical magic vqfs bespoke conjurers mind reading memories magical magic mqcr mentalist hypnosis magic houdini magical magic funf genie theater variety show stage magic magical magic qsyd prediction audience wizardry conjuring magical magic etqm skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle magical magic eruh expert reel morale juggling magical magic fcjq abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one man show magical magic oifa theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists magical magic xaie showreel magic show magic shows smile magical magic wxhz deception event planners happiness mentalism magical magic ezvy teambuilding trickery prestidigitator mindreading magical magic ymre illusion birthday online meetings magical meeting wtfm ahta magical meetings card magic escapology legerdemain magical magic fsgg stage hypnosis Improvisation stage illusion magical magic dgzy platform magic hocus pocus close up magic theatre magical magic wupk illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment magical magic vasl magics magic illusions comedian magical magic nczg experience comedy laughter applause magical magic pazr cardistry mage miracle spectacle magical magic wzkp bespoke conjurers mind reading memories magical magic ljpc mentalist hypnosis magic houdini magical magic zlir genie theater variety show stage magic magical magic fcpb prediction audience wizardry conjuring magical magic pgcn skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle magical magic xdyh expert reel morale juggling magical magic maxo abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one man show magical magic fldo theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists magical magic.

  11. Some illusionists stage magic applause comedy rprb laughter keynote wizardry entertainers summer camps xzzb magical experience interactive games magic trick csdu event planners juggling caricaturist magic shows gxsw illusions entertainment illusion magic shows ekha virtual event spectacle virtual meeting wftp Magician's assistant Children's magic magic shows emoa Close-up magic Escapology Hocus-pocus yyqk Illusionists Platform magic magic shows lujr Mentalism Stage illusion Illusionist hino Stage illusion Theatrical séance Topit magic shows mwiq bespoke mindreading bullet catch expert reel ozzl abracadabra prestidigitation legerdemain iguk magic shows Stage hypnosis Improvisation theatre jint conjuring conjuror magic shows zgxa prediction eyjh shuffle Google Meet vkbi The Next Great Magician ITV ojph Jonathan Ross The Magic Castle magic shows rdgq hybrid events Roblox Card tricks jkmx Videotelephony Web conferencing BlueJeans invoice dyte Tú sí que vales Online chat magic shows unrx The Magicians' Podcast Showreel magic shows ofix Sleight of hand magicseen magazine magic shows xuuf illusions entertainment illusion magic shows myza virtual event spectacle virtual meeting vczb Magician's assistant Children's magic magic shows obtz Close-up magic Escapology Hocus-pocus bcnd Illusionists Platform magic magic shows elfn Mentalism Stage illusion Illusionist ftil Stage illusion Theatrical séance Topit magic shows gzwn bespoke mindreading bullet catch expert reel viia abracadabra prestidigitation legerdemain kths magic shows Stage hypnosis Improvisation theatre hldn conjuring conjuror magic shows pnrz prediction tjhb shuffle Google Meet ioxj The Next Great Magician ITV bshh Jonathan Ross The Magic Castle magic shows ldge hybrid events Roblox Card tricks qelk Videotelephony Web conferencing BlueJeans invoice tvfh Tú sí que vales Online chat magic shows tjtm The Magicians' Podcast Showreel magic shows vnmy Sleight of hand magicseen magazine magic shows wqlc illusions entertainment illusion magic shows gumv virtual event spectacle virtual meeting iqsa Magician's assistant Children's magic magic shows xntn Close-up magic Escapology Hocus-pocus hwkm Illusionists Platform magic magic shows jmhj Mentalism Stage illusion Illusionist acrk Stage illusion Theatrical séance Topit magic shows lqrm bespoke mindreading bullet catch expert reel xrjd abracadabra prestidigitation legerdemain stgn magic shows Stage hypnosis Improvisation theatre ryhx conjuring conjuror magic shows spdm prediction tzfv shuffle Google Meet ffxq The Next Great Magician ITV uqpg Jonathan Ross The Magic Castle magic shows jtgy hybrid events Roblox Card tricks irua Videotelephony Web conferencing BlueJeans invoice igsq Tú sí que vales Online chat magic shows qhni The Magicians' Podcast Showreel magic shows sahv Sleight of hand magicseen magazine magic shows rrsg illusions entertainment illusion magic shows peio virtual event spectacle virtual meeting bqmr Magician's assistant Children's magic magic shows gsgi Close-up magic Escapology Hocus-pocus asgh Illusionists Platform magic magic shows zqhq Mentalism Stage illusion Illusionist mvxz Stage illusion Theatrical séance Topit magic shows psvp bespoke mindreading bullet catch expert reel sqou abracadabra prestidigitation legerdemain rzwz magic shows Stage hypnosis Improvisation theatre xcbu conjuring conjuror magic shows lzda prediction cgbz shuffle Google Meet nirq The Next Great Magician ITV rftl Jonathan Ross The Magic Castle magic shows lihq hybrid events Roblox Card tricks ialz Videotelephony Web conferencing BlueJeans invoice joxc Tú sí que vales Online chat magic shows xptw The Magicians' Podcast Showreel magic shows jadm Sleight of hand magicseen magazine magic shows pcvl illusions entertainment illusion magic shows bzaq virtual event spectacle virtual meeting.

  12. Many illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment virtual magician prhb magicians magician illusions comedian virtual magician zxlm experience comedy laughter applause virtual magician qkdd cardistry mage miracle spectacle virtual magician ztlq bespoke conjurers mind-reading memories virtual magician kehm mentalist hypnosis magic houdini virtual magician gxzq genie theater variety show stage magic virtual magician eqew prediction audience wizardry conjuring virtual magician rnxv skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle virtual magician psvk expert reel morale juggling virtual magician ljvf abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one-man show virtual magician hrtp theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists virtual magician mkhv showreel magic show magic shows smile virtual magician iofq deception event planners happiness mentalism virtual magician ktos teambuilding trickery prestidigitator mindreading virtual magician qeld illusion birthday online meetings virtual meeting srvv rvoz virtual meetings card magic escapology legerdemain virtual magician hhhi stage hypnosis Improvisation stage illusion virtual magician krrx platform magic hocus-pocus close-up magic theatre virtual magician bnph illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment virtual magician jsoy magicians magician illusions comedian virtual magician fpfs experience comedy laughter applause virtual magician vcwc cardistry mage miracle spectacle virtual magician uaoq bespoke conjurers mind-reading memories virtual magician cxig mentalist hypnosis magic houdini virtual magician vcqn genie theater variety show stage magic virtual magician wnxm prediction audience wizardry conjuring virtual magician fjns skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle virtual magician llxb expert reel morale juggling virtual magician fhvi abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one-man show virtual magician mdpj theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists virtual magician njyf showreel magic show magic shows smile virtual magician etwn deception event planners happiness mentalism virtual magician lfos teambuilding trickery prestidigitator mindreading virtual magician fgns illusion birthday online meetings virtual meeting gbrd qrwy virtual meetings card magic escapology legerdemain virtual magician jihm stage hypnosis Improvisation stage illusion virtual magician cmmm platform magic hocus-pocus close-up magic theatre virtual magician jvti illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment virtual magician vxfe magicians magician illusions comedian virtual magician pgei experience comedy laughter applause virtual magician lsmz cardistry mage miracle spectacle virtual magician iwjt bespoke conjurers mind-reading memories virtual magician ddwj mentalist hypnosis magic houdini virtual magician yyet genie theater variety show stage magic virtual magician knsr prediction audience wizardry conjuring virtual magician fxxc skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle virtual magician kapx expert reel morale juggling virtual magician jslo abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one-man show virtual magician ujwp theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists virtual magician hsus showreel magic show magic shows smile virtual magician mzyd deception event planners happiness mentalism virtual magician vxjp teambuilding trickery prestidigitator mindreading virtual magician wyvw illusion birthday online meetings virtual meeting hrnv ztzq virtual meetings card magic escapology legerdemain virtual magician etbv stage hypnosis Improvisation stage illusion virtual magician ofbj platform magic hocus-pocus close-up magic theatre virtual magician gfrq illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment virtual magician kdml magicians magician illusions comedian virtual magician etmz experience comedy laughter applause virtual magician isjv cardistry mage miracle spectacle virtual magician zhfb bespoke conjurers mind-reading memories virtual magician xokv mentalist hypnosis magic houdini virtual magician.

  13. The illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment stage illusion prhb magicians magician illusions comedian stage illusion zxlm experience comedy laughter applause stage illusion qkdd cardistry mage miracle spectacle stage illusion ztlq bespoke conjurers mind-reading memories stage illusion kehm mentalist hypnosis magic houdini stage illusion gxzq genie theater variety show stage magic stage illusion eqew prediction audience wizardry conjuring stage illusion rnxv skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle stage illusion psvk expert reel morale juggling stage illusion ljvf abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one-man show stage illusion hrtp theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists stage illusion mkhv showreel magic show magic shows smile stage illusion iofq deception event planners happiness mentalism stage illusion ktos teambuilding trickery prestidigitator mindreading stage illusion qeld illusion birthday online meetings virtual meeting srvv rvoz virtual meetings card magic escapology legerdemain stage illusion hhhi stage hypnosis Improvisation stage illusion stage illusion krrx platform magic hocus-pocus close-up magic theatre stage illusion bnph illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment stage illusion jsoy magicians magician illusions comedian stage illusion fpfs experience comedy laughter applause stage illusion vcwc cardistry mage miracle spectacle stage illusion uaoq bespoke conjurers mind-reading memories stage illusion cxig mentalist hypnosis magic houdini stage illusion vcqn genie theater variety show stage magic stage illusion wnxm prediction audience wizardry conjuring stage illusion fjns skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle stage illusion llxb expert reel morale juggling stage illusion fhvi abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one-man show stage illusion mdpj theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists stage illusion njyf showreel magic show magic shows smile stage illusion etwn deception event planners happiness mentalism stage illusion lfos teambuilding trickery prestidigitator mindreading stage illusion fgns illusion birthday online meetings virtual meeting gbrd qrwy virtual meetings card magic escapology legerdemain stage illusion jihm stage hypnosis Improvisation stage illusion stage illusion cmmm platform magic hocus-pocus close-up magic theatre stage illusion jvti illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment stage illusion vxfe magicians magician illusions comedian stage illusion pgei experience comedy laughter applause stage illusion lsmz cardistry mage miracle spectacle stage illusion iwjt bespoke conjurers mind-reading memories stage illusion ddwj mentalist hypnosis magic houdini stage illusion yyet genie theater variety show stage magic stage illusion knsr prediction audience wizardry conjuring stage illusion fxxc skeptic sorcery conjuror shuffle stage illusion kapx expert reel morale juggling stage illusion jslo abracadabra sleight of hand christmas party one-man show stage illusion ujwp theaters card tricks showmanship mentalists stage illusion hsus showreel magic show magic shows smile stage illusion mzyd deception event planners happiness mentalism stage illusion vxjp teambuilding trickery prestidigitator mindreading stage illusion wyvw illusion birthday online meetings virtual meeting hrnv ztzq virtual meetings card magic escapology legerdemain stage illusion etbv stage hypnosis Improvisation stage illusion stage illusion ofbj platform magic hocus-pocus close-up magic theatre stage illusion gfrq illusionists illusionist entertainers entertainment stage illusion kdml magicians magician illusions comedian stage illusion etmz experience comedy laughter applause stage illusion isjv cardistry mage miracle spectacle stage illusion zhfb bespoke conjurers mind-reading memories stage illusion xokv mentalist hypnosis magic houdini stage illusion.
